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3 min read
When True Art Equals Unemployable
My daughter Dulci is in her junior year as a dance major at the University of Hawaii Manoa. I am exceedingly proud of her and love to...

2 min read
They are not sophisticated or intellectual. They usually do not bring up stimulating philosophical debates. They are fun and mindless....

4 min read
9 Thoughts on Low Maintenance Partners
Make up and fashion just aren’t my thing. Maybe I’ll put on some lipstick for a special occasion, and my family has made it clear that...

4 min read
Assimilation, Lies, and Guilt
I am a half Iranian, 3/8ths Filipina, and 1/8th Irish American. I am a first-generation Iranian-American, a second-generation...

3 min read
The Subconscious
The subconscious is an odd concept. How are we to understand it? Is it no longer the subconscious once we recognize its existence? Can we...

1 min read
Another Missed Trip
Here we are again, cancelling plans. About six months ago, in too much faith, I booked a week at a condo in Lake Tahoe for the family. I...

3 min read
An Homage to Toilet Paper
Is there any better symbol or metaphor for this time in our lives than toilet paper? What do we think of when we see toilet paper? Poop....

3 min read
You Work for Me
It is a job, career, occupation. Whatever we call this ride on the hamster wheel, it is how we survive, put food on the table and a roof...

2 min read
Generation X
So, there is a select group to ride this roller coaster: Generation X. This commonly refers to those born between 1965 to 1980 but of...

2 min read
The Nest
Life in this nest has been a whirlwind ride. I have four children. Each child is four years apart from the next. I have been asked if...

2 min read
Who Weaves What on the World Wide Web?
What amusement park would be complete without the infamous World Wide Web. The internet is a complex, terrifying and thrilling roller...

1 min read
Writing is truly a wild ride. Now that I have published a book for the world to see, I am often asked what made me decide to write. I...

1 min read
What's Next?
As the writing coaster moves on, I thought I would share with you my next work in progress. My second book, Source, is about a Hollywood...

2 min read
Dancing in the Soot
Just when I think the roller coaster is at its scariest part, it gets even more terrifying. California is burning! Mid-pandemic, we have...

3 min read
Let’s Talk About the Roller Coaster
I started this website in March 2020 with the promise of an upcoming blog. My opening line is about how I love writing because it feels...
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